Why are they amazing?
Pangolins are nocturnal animals which use their well-developed sense of smell to find insect.The long tailed is also active by day.Pangolins lack teeth and the ability to chew.Instead,they tear open anthills or termite mounds with their powerful front claws and probe deep into them with their very long tongues.Pangolins have glands in their chests to lubricate the tongue with sticky,ant-catching saliva.(source:pangolinhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz4HXyxceyahoo.com.hk)
(*shared by rose)
Habitat of The Pangolin
The habitat of the pangolin are reside in central and southern areas of Africa.they live from forests to grasslands to savanrahs.(Source: http://2bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2012/growsshue-crai/habitat.htm)
Fig.1 (Source:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Pangolin's_tail.jpg)
Fig.2 (Source:http://www.earthtimes.org/newsimage/Sunda_Pangolin_188.jpg)
(Source:http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=rgcvOWwzxr8&u=/watch?v%3Dgz4HXyxcess%26feature%3Dshare,www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThDsJEzbBg4,www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YqV6mZWm_U (information shared by Payton)
When a pangolin is under attack, it will roll itself into a ball for protection since its body is covered by scales.The tongue of the pangolin is like a worm covered in slime so that it can eat ants and termites easily. Some large pangolin can extend its tongues up to 40 cm.It uses its sharp claws to dig burrows for making its home and finds food. It also has sensitive sense of smell to seek out termites and ant mounts.
(information shared by Kelly)
The pangolin is rolling itself into a ball
(photo shared by Kelly)
( Video shared by Kelly)
(Video shared by Kelly)
Pangolin has a large scales to protect itself.It also has claws to catch its prey and uses its long tail to catch it prey too.Pangolin uses its nose to catch its prey
(shared by rose)source:yahoo.com.
Can human being feed Pangolin?Why?
回覆刪除By Toby
yes,human being can feed Pangolin because human just need to give ants to Pangolin to eat.
刪除by Payton!
刪除the work is less.The photo is terror.By:Jenny
回覆刪除We will do it better! PAYTON TSANG/TSANG PAN HEI
刪除How to roll itself into a ball?And why you have diffent photos?By THOMAS.
回覆刪除The source of the photo is toooo long,u can make it shorter,Kelly.
OK I can.
刪除Kelly,I think you can give me some information I did not know before, thank you!
回覆刪除By Gigi
Kelly,you did a great job!!!You gave us a lot of information,thank you!!
回覆刪除By Yoyo
How can we know their gender?
回覆刪除By Rex